Content Creation

From the idea to publication:
Turn myconvento into your corporate newsroom.


Combine your texts with images, videos and podcasts. Important meta information such as your press contact, keywords, the language version and the topic can be assigned to each message.
Combine your text with digital assets from the myconvento media library.


Storydriver is the editorial system for your team. This is where you develop your content from the first draft to publication. With Storydriver, you can easily juggle rights, tasks and functions. This is how an idea becomes a story.

From here, you can use a wide variety of channels for your content - newsroom, newsletter, websites or social media.

Drag & Drop Editors

We believe, that your news should not only be coherent in terms of content, but also look good. We have developed the drag & drop editor for an irresistible look in "responsive design". From now on, your press releases, newsletters and forms will look great on all recipients' devices. The drag & drop editor is intuitive for you to use.

(The function is so incredibly helpful that our web designer had problems finding a really suitable icon ;-).